“LEGAL 500” 排行榜公布,广盛获多项殊荣
2019年1月16日英国“法律500强”(LEGAL 500)排行榜公布,广盛闫海律师、李利凯律师荣登排行榜。其中国际贸易部获选优秀国际贸易律师行(第二级Band Two),位列前茅,广盛已连续二十年获此殊荣,并曾连续多年排行第一,几乎是业内唯一连续多年获奖的单位,被誉为反倾销领域老牌劲旅。2019年广盛服务了上百个国际贸易项目,客户包括三井、锦湖、中粮、梅花、OFS、中远、华轮、尚德、大冢等一大批500强客户及各行业领军企业,在美国反倾销获得唯一一个零税率;在美获得锻钢管件反倾销产品排除成功;进口多个案件获最低税率和低税率;在律协获评优秀律所和行业贡献奖。最近又不断迎来有多年外所经验的重量级合伙人加盟国际贸易团队,将大大加强广盛在国际贸易领域的领先地位!
2019年Legal 500对广盛的评价如下:
Guangsheng & Partners PRC Lawyers has a long-standing practice in international trade where it handles trade remedy matters such as anti-dumping cases, anti-subsidy cases and countervailing measures.
The team is regularly instructed by foreign and multinational corporates in relation to trade remedy cases in China and throughout the region, and it also advises domestic clients on investigations initiated abroad. Recent work has included Yan Hai, Likai Li representing OFS Fitel in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by MOFCOM concerning optical fibres from the US. Conversely, Li and Hai have represented a host of Chinese manufacturers and exporters in trade remedy cases initiated by the US, Korea, Japan and India spanning a wide range of sectors including the steel and iron, food additives and chemical products. The firm is also investing in the trade department, having recently taken on five new associates.